• Expertise & Value

Expertise & Value

Synovivo Consulting, a state of mind !

Synovivo Consulting, a state of mind !


A state of mind strongly influenced by deep rooted commitments in the agro-industrial sector, as well as the sports and voluntary sectors.
These commitments are centered around 2 points:

People & Performance

SYNOVIVO Consulting thus offers its clients to align themselves with a promise: to develop performance through the development of people.

Operating throughout Europe, South East Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, SYNOVIVO’s target is to support both clients and candidates to achieve their vision and ambitions.

Knowledge of markets and professions in addition to HR expertise


Synovivo Consulting has been concieved to support economic strakeholders involved in life sciences with an expertise developed in the field of agro-industry and agribusiness.

Knowledge of markets and professions in addition to HR expertise
A network of operational services that complements HR needs

A network of operational services that complements HR needs


Synovivo Consulting's network is powerful (regulatory, legal, HR, media, communication, financial, etc.). This complementarity of skills is a strength for customers.

HR Expertise & Agribusiness


Recruitment requires understanding clients' expectations and their professional environment. Proper targeting of candidates and the active search for profiles require an analysis and a deep understanding of this environment. This is one of the keys to effective, sustainable recruitment that is adapted to the corporate culture. Synovivo Consulting provides all of these prerequisites and optimizes the construction of your teams of directors, managers and experts.
Innovation, optimization of new technologies and agroecological transition take place thanks to people and their expertise. SYNOVIVO is a valuable partner in this dynamic.